
We would like to welcome everybody on our official website WUAUQUIKUNA.

We are brothers who devoted their lives to the music inspired by folklore music. Over 16 years ago the two of us decided to establish group named Wuauquikuna.
In our people language „Quechua” it means „Brothers”. We come from Ecuador, but for over two decades we travel all over the Europe spreading our culture and sharing our music.
Wuauquikuna band was founded by brothers Salazar: Luis and Fabian „Rumy”.
We bring to life our music using the instruments mainly from South and North America and from other parts of the world. Although our favorite instruments are:

Quena, quenacho, chinese flute, zampoñas, rondador, panflute, toyos.

We perform in different festivals and play concerts all over Europe and outside its border.Together we’ve recorded 11 CDs and 1 DVD. Part of those is a mixture of two cultures: south and north American. We are representing the prophecies from our elders and it is related to join together two cultures just like the Eagle from the North and the Condor from the South are sharing the same sky. It will be our future when people from all tribes and cultures comes together as one.

It’s a way of life to sing, dance and drum. To the heart beat, the heart beat of the people, the heart beat of mother earth. There is no life without a heart beat, dance for life.


When I am dancing and playing flute I feel the spirits of past generations. To dance is to feel free. I feel individuality in my style of dance. I give respect to my elders. I bring respect to myself, my family and all the people. Let our children not forget our past and our roots.


  • Booking & Managment
  • Luis and Fabian Salazar
  • info@wuauquikuna-official.com

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